Subterraneans, an exhibition at Leeds College of Art, 21 November - 05 December 2014, explores how aspects of Beat culture have influenced visual art. The diverse range of artists, designers, film makers, photographers, illustrators and printmakers from around the world being shown includes Aaron Murphy, Adam Tanser, Adie Russell, Andrew Huggett, assume vivid astro focus, Bonnie and Clyde, Boyd and Evans, Carolyn Cassady, Chloe Early, Chris Osburn, Cyclops, Daniel Danger, Donald Topp, Dyna Moe, Florence Brewin, Gavin Turk, Hampus Ericstam, Harriet Hammel, Ian Burnley, Irina and Silviu Szekely, Jesse Kauppila, Joe Castro, John Baldessari, Jonathan Monk, Kennard Phillips, Kim Gordon, Marcel Duchamp, Martyna Szczesna, Nat Finkelstein, Peter Liversidge, Richard Prince, Robert Crumb, Rose Vickers, Rosie Vohra, Rossina Bossio and Jonna Bergelin, Roy Lichtenstein, Roza Horowitz, Rufus Newell, Sam Taylor-Wood, Simon Morris, Stefanie Posavec, Steve Quinn, Valerie Phillips, Vicki Bennett, Wessieling, Yoko Ono and many others as well as a range of related books and ephemera.
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Triste and Dolour
C- print, gouache, 2014, 20" x 30"

Letter to Edie
C- print, gouache, flashe, acrylic, 2014, 20" x 30"

All the People Dreaming
Single channel video, 2006, 3;34
All the People Dreaming (2006), begins with Jack Kerouac, on the Steve Allen Show in 1959, explaining why he writes. “All the stories I wrote were true, because I believed in what I saw...” It’s a kind direct meditation on the “why” of the creative process— the desire to do something with a life, to capture something of the experiences and relationships within it, to be inspired by the immensity of it all.